Visual Storytelling and AI
Interview – RAI NEWS State TV Channel on the 11th of October, 2023.
Aims: [1] to explore what it means to communicate visually and which new opportunities offer the explosion of visual media production and dissemination toolkits; [2] upon this, to search for a sensible framework to engage the visual quality of current AI productions at the global level.
The short clip with my reflections on how to creatively and critically engage AI for visual communication – © RAI NEWS 24
Visual Storytelling For Diplomacy
The edited version with just my contribution – © The Diplo Foundation
The full debate is visible on the Diplo Foundation channels
The Grammar Of The Visual
Keynote & Training – The Council of Europe in Budapest on 15 November, 2019.
Aims: [1] to deliver to the YEE (Youth and Environment Europe) a keynote on the pivotal role of the visual in implementing strategic communication on enviromental issues; [2] to walk the talk and hands-on practising lessons learnt.
A Photograph Is Worth A Thousand… Lies!
Keynote – The Commonwealth of Connected Learning in Malta on 10 October, 2019.
Aims: [1] to question and review the specificities of visual communication, as specifically applied to the field of journalism; [2] upon this, to reconsider the notion of ‘fake news’ in visual journalism.
The keynote
Visual Digital Diplomacy
Webdebate – The Diplo Foundation on 1st October, 2019.
Aims: [1] to explore the often misunderstood, and regularly overlooked, visual quality of communication, as specifically applied to the field of diplomacy; [2] upon this, to draw valuable lessons and advice on how to communicate diplomacy visually.

A screenshot from the webinar
Storytelling For Social Impact
Kosovo Government – Agency for Gender Equality in Pristina (Kosovo) on 24-28 June, 2019.
Aims: [1] To explore how to tailor digital engagement strategies to maximise social impact and [2] to review the role of business enterprises as stakeholders to social debates.

Some of my favourite feedback
“I very skeptical at first to come to the training, but over the days that Massimiliano taught us, we learnt how to maximize the social impact of our digital communication through the tools of creativity and the visual.
This really changed my perspective, and was worth every minute I spent there”
The Future of Digital Diplomacy
School of Oriental and African Studies – SOAS, University of London in London (UK) on 23rd May, 2019.
Aim: To pitch at a group of professional stakeholders and academic scholars the strategic centrality of the ‘visual’ and ‘storytelling’ as operative frameworks for today’s digital diplomatic practice.

© @twiplomacy
Visual Communication And Public Diplomacy
University Cattolica in Rome (Italy) on 13-15 March, 2019.
Aim: To review and train prospective public civil servants in the cultural sector and the creative industries on best practices to maximise communication impact of their policies.

Some notes on the whiteboard at the end of the training…
Media Strategies For Gender Campaigning
ILO The International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (UN/ILO) in Turin (Italy) on 26-28 November, 2018.
Aim: To assess and disseminate across UN Agencies’ personnel best practice to innovate campaigning on gender issues by bridging online with offline strategies.

Some of my favourite feedback
“The course was incredibly interesting, relevant, thought-provoking and inspiring“
“Massimiliano was an outstanding guide for this work and was a very valuable addition“
Storytelling The Stop Kony Campaign
T.wai – Turin University in Turin (Italy) on 29 November, 2018.
Aim: To review rooted grammars of storytelling for socio-political communication on digital platforms. I addressed the case of the digital campaign Kony 2012 to mark the shift from ‘digital stakeholders’ to ‘power brokers’.
An academic paper (roughly 12K words) on the subject is currently under peer-revision for the Cambridge Journal of International Affairs. The Abstract is available here

Above – Some of the notes from the workshop.
The Grammar of Visual Storytelling
Beijing Normal University in Beijing (China) on 05 June, 2018.
Aim: the assess montage as key to visual communication analysis and production.

Montage As Storytelling at a mall in Beijing…
The Image As Storytelling
SIVA Shanghai University in Shanghai (China) on June, 2018.
Aim: To train undergraduate students on a learn-by-doing framework on creating a short project in interactive multimedia production to be published online as part of their digital portfolio.

Participants commented

The Future Of Digital Journalism
BBC Arabic Service Festival in London (UK) on 24 April, 2018.
Aim: to introduce the rationale and potential of my funded mobile App – The Meta-Image as a tool to teach, learn and produce interactive visual journalism. More information on the Meta-Image successful bid can be accessed here.
Public Presentation at the BBC Arabic Festival © 2018 – BBC.
Visual Storytelling For Social Justice
International Labour Organisation (ILO) Headquarter in Geneva (Switzerland) on 08 January, 2018.
Aim: to explore how powerful images can be strategically combined with digital platforms to make images become the story…

Some of my favourite feedback
“Dr Massimiliano Fusari is an expert digital visual storyteller who opens up new ways of seeing and revealing the world around us through the image. He is professional, creative and engaging, with the ability to inspire through his work.
Dr Fusari explored the potential of digital visual storytelling in a development context, generating much interest from participants, including representatives from a number of UN agencies“
What is Visual Storytelling? Interview at the UN / ILO HQ
© 2018 – International Labour Organization.
Visual Storytelling Gender Mainstreaming
International Labour Organisation (ILO) at the Gender Academy of the United Nations in Turin (Italy) on 20-22 November, 2017.
Aim: to strategically employ visual communication and digital storytelling towards gender mainstreaming activities and comprehensive policies.
The training presentation can be downloaded here.

Some of my favourite feedback
“I learnt how to advocate for my campaign with digital media”
“You opened a new world to me”
“This workshop introduced me to totally new perspective of looking into stories with an analytical eye. Well done!”